Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Life and Spirituality of John Newton, A compilation of his personal letters

The story of the life of John Newton is definitely one that every Christian should become familiar with. For a great comprehensive book on the life of John Newton I would recommend you read, "John Newton, from Disgrace to Amazing Grace," by Jonathan Aitken.

This book is a collection of John Newton's personal letters that he was asked to write by a friend who thought that people should hear directly from Newton as to what his life had been like. Bruce Hindmarsh gives us a short introduction to the life of Newton and the reason for these letters to have been written in the first place. But then the rest of the book is a collection of Newton's letters.

To read the letters from John Newton is to find yourself investigating the life of a young man that had it extremely difficult yet found that God had a plan for him and that God's plan would not be stopped short. Newton was to come full circle with his life and serve the Lord Jesus Christ as a fine young man and bring the Gospel to hundreds of people.

I was highly encouraged by these letters and trust that you will be as well.

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